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Employment Law – Case Study

Abstract Introduction The United Nations is a agency which monitors compliance regarding the protection of human rights which are guaranteed by the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” . This Commissioner was established by UN General Assembly in 1993 year. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in August 2008 is Navi Pillay. Since the inception of the UN, fundamental rights were proclaimed and freedoms and to prioritize those rights and their protection is the primary responsibility of States. The main structural unit of the UN Human Rights High Commissioner is the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. It is the focal point of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. It is headed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Employment Law
Urgency: 12 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 15

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To what extent students use digital tools in everyday and how this affects students' experienced the learning quality?

Abstract This research observed the students’ attitude towards digital tools and recognises that how students use digital tools in everyday and how this affects students' experienced the learning quality? Outcomes from the research defined that students had constructive attitudes about using the digital tools as an educational tool, enough information of the digital tools, observed digital tool is a quickest method to get information, and digital tool has a possibility to be an effectual tool for training. The outcomes also defined that the students demonstrated optimistic approaches about the digital tools irrespective of gender, again in opposition to most other results. Potential motives and the implications of these results were also assessed. So, in this research we concentrated our focus on the attitudes of students about digital tools. We also established the students responsive about the harmful impacts of digital tools on their learning quality

No of pages: 55     Subject Area: Leadership
Urgency: 20 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 26

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Introduction Recognise how an organisational structurefor links organisational behaviouris a confrontationof the mainattractionsinthe organisation oftraining.Terms of organisational structureusually havean illustrative mannerthat ignoresthe dynamicsin more detail.Dynamical systemscharacteristics of the agent, moreover, areoften in the formof said set offormulas in atemporal logiclanguage.This article addresses thequestion of howthese twoapproaches can be combinedin a pattern ofMercedes-BenzandArgos.He becameknown as thedifferent levels ofaggregationand otherelements withinan organisational structure, sets of dynamic characteristics can be explained.Organisational structure provides a structure (internivel) the relationships between these multiple sets of dynamic functions. In addition,the organisational structure is reflected in the formalisation of the dynamics of organisational behaviour.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 10 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: Masters     No. of Sources: 19

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Marketing Plan

Introduction A marketing plan for new product is important for any business. Its aim is to increase the profits of business. The strategic marketing strategy and marketing plan fit combined in that both are important for the success of a consumer good company (Roman, 2004). Without a marketing plan, corporations can become unsure in marketing attempts. The aim of the marketing plan is to support consumer good company reach their goals of marketing. The marketing plan must be a succinct, comprehensible, and carefully planned that serves as a direction through the marketing plan (Kotler, 2008). It must concentrate on the aim of the marketing and the goal to perform that aim.

No of pages: 27     Subject Area: Marketing
Urgency: 20 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: Masters     No. of Sources: 10

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Internet Regulations And Jurisprudence Law Theoretically, the Internet is the most regulated atmosphere globally; in realism, it is one of the least regulated ones (Raz, 2005). If British were really fascinated in taking advantage of the benefits of the transnationally networked atmosphere while simultaneously putting forth manages over it, they would take no notification of national sensitivities in support of a wideranging global authoritarian response to the online world. Sadly, that seems a legal utopia.

No of pages: 11     Subject Area: LAW
Urgency: 10 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 16

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Defamation Law in Malaysia Focusing on Internet and Blog and Social Media

Abstract This research paper aims to explain defamation laws in Malaysia. Within this research, defamation laws in Malaysia have been discussed by especially focusing on internet, blogs and social media like Facebook and Twitter. This research has been completed with the help of qualitative research methodology. All the data was collected form secondary sources. It has been analysed that there have been many cases of defamation since the arrival of internet and cyber. Blogs, internet and social media increase the rate of defamation cases. So it is needed to focus more and more on defamation laws and policies.

No of pages: 52     Subject Area: 34
Urgency: 10 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: Masters     No. of Sources: 20

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Explain the constitutional basis for the Fair Work Act 2009 (

Explain the constitutional basis for the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) with reference to the Australian Constitution and discuss the relationship with Australian common law, with reference to the National Employment Standards. The Fair Work Act, 2009 is a labour welfare legislation aimed at improving the relations between employees and employers so that productive workplace relations can be formulated which would further help in promoting national economic prosperity and promoting amicable relations between the Australians (Chapman, 2009).

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Employment Law
Urgency: 3 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 19

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Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and HRM

Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and HRM Introduction In this competitive business environment where every business organization is trying to attract the customers of each other, it becomes essential for these organizations to remain competitive by innovating new ideas and thoughts, so that value added products and services can be provided to the customers. The motive of such organization in providing value added services to their customers, require their employees to be quite effective in creating value in all the products and services offered by the organization (Judy 2003, pp.1-12).

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior 3 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to elaborate the factors which are considered by individuals before selecting an occupation. Choosing an occupation is indeed a major decision of everyone’s life and it does give a shape to where he would be heading in the course if time. The report begins with a list of various occupations which have been going since the human civilization started though it has indeed changed its form to a large extent. Amongst all the occupations mentioned, six are chosen which are quite different from each other and are quite prevalent in the society.

No of pages: 10     Subject Area: economics
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 19

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Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior 3 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to elaborate the factors which are considered by individuals before selecting an occupation. Choosing an occupation is indeed a major decision of everyone’s life and it does give a shape to where he would be heading in the course if time. The report begins with a list of various occupations which have been going since the human civilization started though it has indeed changed its form to a large extent. Amongst all the occupations mentioned, six are chosen which are quite different from each other and are quite prevalent in the society.

No of pages: 10     Subject Area: economics
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 19

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Internet Marketing Plan for River Island

Introduction With the increase enhancement in the field of technology, it has been considered essential by the businesses to implement such technology in their business processes. Further, the increasing demand from the customers regarding the better quality of products and services delivered to their doorstep has also necessitated for the businesses to implement the e-business strategy in their business processes. E-business which is commonly known as electronic business implies the application of information communication and technology in the business processes, for the purpose of supporting various business activities undertaken by the organization.

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Business
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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Basel reform may lead to higher bank lending rates

“Basel reform may lead to higher bank lending rates” Named after the beautiful Swiss Town where it has its secretariat at the Bank for International Settlements, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was formed as an effort to raise the standards of banking supervision worldwide (Settlements B. f., 2011). It achieves so, via a mutual reciprocity of information on supervisory issues and techniques. After Basel I and II, the latest update to the Basel Accords (1988), Basel III is to be implemented starting from 1st January, 2013 (Settlements, 2010) and would take effect gradually over the next eight years. Its aim is to improve upon the banking sector’s shock absorbing & risk managing ability and bolster its transparency (Settlements, 2011)

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Banking
Urgency: 4 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 12

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The Organizational Health and Safety (OHS) Act, 1995 requires all organizations to carry out a risk assessment before making an intervention. Risk assessment requires the risk to health and safety to be controlled so far as is reasonably practical. The purpose of this report is to spell out safety management alternatives and recommendations for a hypothetical construction company ArchitektonikiDomi Ltd. The scope of risk assessment will be limited to site layout, protective equipments of workers and noticeable health and safety hazards at the workplace.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Safety Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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Ethical Decision Making in Organization

Introduction The Decision making process has been an important criteria that has to be given due attention in case of the organizations. The complexity in the business processes and rapid enhancement across all the areas of the organization requires managers to not only make the sound decision, but also to make them at no time. The success of an organization to a larger extent depends upon the ability of its management to take good and effective decisions (Kinicki 2008, 249-50). In order to fulfill the complex needs of the customers on a timely basis, it has becomes essential that the management should try to adopt every possible means in order to satisfy such complex demands.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 10

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1. INTRODUCTION: There has been a reasonable gradual shift in the approach of teaching writing in the classroom from product approach – comprising grammar-translation, controlled-to-free, paragraph pattern, grammar syntax organization approaches (mostly prevalent till early 1970’s) to communicative approach (mid 1970’s), process (late 1970’s - Early 1980’s), English for Academic Purposes (Mid 1980’s) and Genre Approach (1990’s). However, there are array of opinions, arguments and concerns over the fact that which style works best with the students in developing their ability to express their ideas with freedom and at the same time with correct composition and coherence.

No of pages: 15     Subject Area: Education
Urgency: 10 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 12

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The Role of Foreign Banks in Emerging Countries

Executive Summary In the globalized and liberalized world, the financial industry has grown in leaps and bounds and it has entered various geographies to diversify its asset class and increase its size. The world is divided into three parts: Developed Economies, Emerging Economies and Third World Countries. Off late the importance of Emerging Economies has increased as it provides high return avenues and has fundamentally stronger growth potential when compared to the developed economies. Banking industry has been playing an important role in growth of all these economies and mobilizing funds. The leading banks have played a pivotal role in this respect. These foreign banks have increased their pace of growth in the emerging markets from late 1990s onwards.

No of pages: 30     Subject Area: Banking
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: Masters     No. of Sources: 12

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Project Management

Introduction The successful completion of a project depends upon the knowledge and skills possessed by the project manager in handling the project. The ability of the project manager to perform the entire task in a most appropriate manner would lead to the success of the project. However, the task of a project manager is not an easy one. It comprises of lots of complexities and difficulties, which need to be handle with great care. There are around nine project management knowledge areas and getting insight into each of them helps in the effective management of a project.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Project Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 10

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Introduction An enterprise whether for profit or non-profit should always find ways of how to improve their operational status quo. These certain improvements can be realized by improving on business processes, increasing revenue, improvement of the overall productivity and quality, although most of the examples discussed are internal, external factors can be considered base on strategic decisions for companies to improve. All organizations enters a decision, especially if it gained a net income on their financial statements, this money depending on the company’s board agreement can be redistributed for shareholders dividends, can be used for debt repayments or to allocate a budget for a certain capital project with the purpose of amplifying revenue and profits, increase shareholder’s wealth and expand its business operations each industry has some set of methods on which how they could utilize the said allocated capital.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Healthcare
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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Roles of Five Major Stakeholders the U.S. Healthcare System

Roles of Five Major Stakeholders the U.S. Healthcare System Stakeholders in the healthcare system are the bodies or entities that wholly or partly take part in the activities of a health care system. These entities are characterized by the substantial effects that are brought to them whenever a reform is made to the healthcare system. The bodies which form the major stakeholders in the health systems include the patients, providers, government, payers, and the employees. According to Yesalis, Politzer, and Holt (2012), these significant stakeholders are obligated with various responsibilities that enable the attainment of a quality health care delivery system, and whenever they neglect their responsibility, a direct negative effect is experienced in the healthcare delivery system (Yesalis, Politzer & Holt, 2012).

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Healthcare
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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Recruitment and Selection Strategies for Senior Level Employees

New Recruitment and Selection Strategies of Senior Level Employees Following the initial meeting and presentation regarding human resource challenges in the company, I have developed strategies to be used in the hiring process, especially that of senior level employees. Upon your approval, my team and I did extensive research on the human resource situation in the company and consulted other sources to elaborate relevant strategies to be implemented in the hiring process of senior level employees in the company. The strategies have been streamlined to go in tandem with the HSS vision, mission, and objectives. An overview of the strategies includes:

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 10

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